Saudi Arabia to stretch yoga across university campuses

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Saudi Arabia Sports ministry is set to introduce Yoga in its universities due to ancient Indian Yog’s significance for mental and physical health.

Several agreements will be sealed in the next few months with major universities in the Kingdom to bolster practice of yoga on campuses, head of the Saudi Yoga Committee Nouf Al Marwaai has disclosed.

The ancient practice gained popularity during the pandemic-induced lockdowns as a way of relaxation and reducing stress.

The Saudi Yoga Committee, which was created in 2021 as part of the kingdom’s Olympic Committee, aims to discover and groom practitioners of yoga and the yogasana sport for local and international competitions, Al Maraawi told the Saudi news agency SPA. “The practice of yoga should be a sustainable activity in universities for the staff and students due to its health and wellness benefits,” she said without giving details about the envisaged pacts.

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Manisha Singh is a freelancer, content writer,Yoga Practitioner, part time working with AgraBharat.
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